Our Vision
Our Vision, Our Values, Our Goals, Our Mission
Our Vision
To maximise educational outcomes by creating pathways into education, work and training that are flexible enough to cater for different student needs and allow young people a way back if they make mistakes and change their mind.
To build relationships of trust and respect; to give young people recognition that is sometimes missing and thereby the confidence and motivation to engage with learning; to value young people for what they are now and not what they may become.
Social Justice through Systems Change, Strategic Planning, Staff Professional Learning.
Our Values
We recognise that the young people and the families we work with are ‘our own’ and that their future is our future. We value:
Empathy – we recognise the challenges that young people and their families face and acknowledge that it takes time, effort and money to enable change.
Generosity – we do not begrudge or blame. We give our time, our energy, our support because the work we do is important; it is the right thing to do.
Connectedness – we acknowledge that the distance between us is never as great as it seems. We aim to increase the number and quality of connections within the YES program, the school and wider community.
Professional Integrity – we treat others with respect regardless of background or situation. We display honesty in dealing with others and make commitments only when they can be kept. We work together to achieve better results. We are active participants and do not complain unless prepared to be part of the solution.
Our Goals
- To provide a universal service for all students enrolled at Port Augusta Secondary School within which targeted and specialist services are ‘nested’.
- To create a safe and supportive learning environment with a dedicated team of caring adults who support the values of the program; believe that our young people can be successful; have high expectations for our students and a commitment to helping them get there.
- For young people to be: healthy and happy in their school work; believe in themselves and their ability to reach their goals.
- To provide learning opportunities that are meaningful and important to students.
- To link health and education issues and systems.
- To work in partnership with students, their families and the wider community.
- To cultivate a culture of success inspired by passion, commitment, experience, accountability, leadership and teamwork.
- To celebrate and acknowledge success.
- To create a ‘no wrong door’ approach as part of a more integrated front line service delivery centre.
Our Mission:
Supporting young people and their families to stay connected with learning