Darcy gets his blood glucose tested by Louella.
By Brok Boucher
Having a blood glucose test proved a little daunting for some PASS students last term, but others took it in their stride.
Ten students studying Certificate II in Health Support Services through the YES Centre visited Pika Wiya Learning Centre and carried out blood glucose, blood pressure and Body Mass Index (BMI) tests on each other under the supervision of course coordinator Mrs Emily Doran and Pika Wiya registered nurse/tutor Mrs Verity McTaggart.
Mrs Doran said they have also been learning about infection control, hand hygiene and how to communicate with patients.
“Infection control is an important part of the health industry,” Mrs Doran said.
“Students were wearing gloves when doing the blood glucose tests.
“Most took it in their stride, but some didn’t like getting pricked.”